The player cannot pause while this occurs, to prevent them taking a break due to being frightened.

While looking at the Slender Man, the camera succumbs to electronic distortions such as static, blurring, color spots, audio distortion, etc., which obstructs the player's vision unless facing away, and far enough from it. The only way of subduing her is by focusing the flashlight (on its second setting) on her. It is unknown whether this is a glitch or an in-game mechanic). In this level, the main antagonist is a girl who chases the player (most often following her path directly, but has been seen teleporting. In level three, he pursues much less aggressively, though is capable of teleporting directly in front of the player. His behavior is much the same as this in level four, except more active.

It is observed that his motion centers around following the player, but consists largely of jumping from place to place, the inconvenience of which is increased as each of the eight pages are collected. In level two, he most often teleports off-screen or just out of the character's line of sight, but is capable of appearing directly in front of the player. In the first level, the Slender Man can be seen standing outside of the house through every window, once the player acquires the flashlight, and after going through the gate outside he can be seen on the top of hills well away from the player. The Slender Man's behavior changes slightly between levels.

This limited defense forces a sense of helplessness, as the best way to survive in the game is to run whenever in danger.

The character is armed only with a flashlight. Slender: The Arrival uses similar mechanics to its predecessor, The Eight Pages. The majority of the game takes place in abandoned areas (house, defunct mine, etc.), each with different objectives.